ALLEY ♦ CLARK ♦ GREIWE Recent Posts en-us Mon, 10 Mar 2025 20:59:57 -0400 A Tampa Car Accident Lawyer Discusses What To Do When You Are In An Accident With An Uninsured Driver 2021-09-30 00:00:00 Most Common Defenses Used In Wrongful Death Claims 2021-09-17 00:00:00 Tampa Wrongful Death Attorney Addresses COVID-19 & Wrongful Death Claims in Florida 2021-08-31 00:00:00 How Do I Know If I Can Sue For The Wrongful Death Of My Loved One? 2021-08-17 00:00:00 School is Starting Soon: How to Keep Children Safe on Area Roadways 2021-07-30 00:00:00 Our Tampa Car Accident Lawyer Discusses Road Safety During Hurricane Season 2021-07-16 00:00:00 The Potential for Punitive Damages in a Car Accident 2021-06-30 00:00:00 Negligence “Per Se” and Car Accidents 2021-06-16 00:00:00 Senate Bill 54 Could Change the Dynamics of Florida Auto Insurance 2021-05-28 11:04:46 Can I Sue the Property Owner for Creating a Dangerous Roadway? If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Florida, then you may be entitled to damages pursuant to a lawsuit. Litigation isn’t always straightforward, however.  Litigating a claim against a car accident defendant can be complicated by various issues and circumstances unique to your case.

2021-05-14 00:00:00
Don’t Get Too Friendly With Insurers — Get an Attorney 2021-04-30 00:00:00 Do Not Delay in Seeking Medical Assistance After an Accident 2021-04-16 00:00:00 5 Defendants to Sue in a Car Accident Case 2021-03-31 00:00:00 Causation in Medical Malpractice Claims 2021-02-26 00:00:00 Pursuing Multiple Defendants in a Car Accident Dispute 2021-02-12 00:00:00 Florida Medical Malpractice Basics 2021-01-29 00:00:00 Recovering Wrongful Death Damages in Florida 2021-01-15 00:00:00 How Do Contingency Fees Work in a Car Accident Dispute? 2020-12-31 14:58:30 The Eggshell Skull Rule: Full Damages Are Available 2020-12-17 00:00:00 If I Don’t Wear a Seatbelt, Can I Recover Damages in a Car Accident Lawsuit? If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Florida, then you may be concerned about whether you’re entitled to a recovery.  It may be especially concerning if you were not entirely without fault — perhaps you were not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident.  In these cases, the defendant is likely to argue that you are responsible for your own injuries.

2020-11-30 00:00:00
How Do Recalls Influence a Product Defect Lawsuit? 2020-11-16 00:00:00 Pre-Existing Conditions Do Not Prevent Damage Recovery in a Car Accident 2020-10-30 17:59:21 Recovering Damages in an Accident with a Drunk Driver 2020-09-30 00:00:00 Defective Medical Device Lawsuits Do Not Require Proof of Negligence 2020-08-31 00:00:00 Can I Sue a Driver’s Employer for the Harm Caused in a Car Accident? 2020-07-31 00:00:00 How Do Attorney’s Fees Work in a Car Accident Case? 2020-06-30 00:00:00 What Are Your Rights After an Uber or Lyft Accident? Florida law provides important new protections for individuals who are injured in accidents involving Uber and Lyft rideshares. Passengers in Uber and Lyft vehicles and drivers who have been injured in accidents involving these vehicles have always enjoyed the same rights as individuals injured in other types of car accidents, but now Florida law requires both ridesharing drivers and companies like Uber and Lyft to carry additional insurance beyond the state’s standard minimum requirements.

2020-05-29 00:00:00
Prior Accidents: Insurers Can (and Will) Attempt to Use Them Against You 2020-04-30 00:00:00 Cosmetic Surgery Malpractice No one chooses to have brain surgery, a heart bypass operation, or hip replacement; those procedures are necessary and the result of a physician’s advice. Cosmetic surgery, on the other hand, is often elective and the result of the patient’s desire to make changes to their appearance. But just because cosmetic surgery is a choice doesn’t mean it is any less of a surgery.

2020-03-31 00:00:00
Not Wearing a Seatbelt Can Hurt Your Car Accident Injury Case 2020-02-28 00:00:00 Anesthesia Errors and Medical Malpractice Anesthesia is an important and indispensable tool for many surgeries and other medical procedures. By sedating a client with anesthesia, doctors can perform invasive, sensitive tasks that would otherwise be excruciatingly painful for a patient if they were awake and alert. But bringing a patient to such a deep state of unconsciousness requires powerful medication, and that medication needs to be selected, administered, and monitored with the utmost care.  

2020-01-31 00:00:00
Brachial Plexus Injuries and Medical Malpractice Serious complications can threaten the health and lives of a newborn and a mother at any point during a pregnancy. But the risks – and the potential for serious mistakes - are the highest during labor and delivery. The actions and choices made by doctors, nurses, and delivery room staff can make all the difference between a joyous occasion and a catastrophic tragedy. One of the bigger risks and more common birth injuries during delivery - and one that can cause lifelong problems for the child - is the possibility of a brachial plexus injury.

2019-12-31 00:00:00
What to Expect at a Car Accident Deposition 2019-11-29 00:00:00 Will My Car Accident Lawsuit Go to Trial? While meeting with a personal injury attorney and filing a car accident lawsuit are necessary steps towards obtaining compensation for injuries of losses you’ve suffered, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you and your lawyer will wind up in a courtroom months or years later arguing your case in front of a judge and jury at a trial.

2019-10-31 00:00:00
Will Florida Bring Back Caps on Medical Malpractice Damages? 2019-09-27 00:00:00 I Was Injured in a Work-Related Accident. Who’s Responsible for Paying My Bills? 2019-08-30 00:00:00 Don’t Underestimate the Dangers of Drowsy Driving 2019-07-31 00:00:00 Types of Hospital Malpractice: When Places of Healing Become Places of Harm Hospitals are places of healing. Hospitals are also places of hectic emergency rooms where split-second decisions need to be made. They are places of operating rooms where even the slightest error or miscommunication could lead to disaster. They are full of hallways and recovery rooms that can be cluttered with equipment and machines. And they are places where the presence of so many ill people sharing the same spaces and same devices make them a breeding ground for bacteria and infections.

2019-06-28 00:00:00
If I Was Partially at Fault for My Florida Car Accident, Can I Still Recover Compensation for My Injuries? 2019-05-31 00:00:00 What You Should Know About the Physician Disciplinary Process in Florida As is the case in every other state, doctors practicing in Florida need to be licensed by the state and are subject to discipline for certain prohibited acts or omissions. Many of the things that can get a physician in trouble with the state licensing board can also be the basis of a medical malpractice claim if it involves deviations from the appropriate standard of care. Other times, doctors can engage in financial or insurance fraud, misuse of prescriptions, or other activities which are not directly related to the quality of care they provide their patients.

2019-04-30 00:00:00
Infections and Medical Malpractice Hospitals are full of people needing treatment for a variety of ailments. They share the same facilities, rooms, and equipment, breathe the same air, and receive care from the same medical professionals. This can make hospitals and other healthcare facilities breeding ground for a whole host of infections which in turn can cause additional health problems, surgical and post-surgical complications, and further treatment.

2019-03-29 00:00:00
What If Bad Road Conditions or Inadequate Signage Caused My Car Accident? When we think of car accidents caused by negligence, we usually think of another driver whose careless or reckless conduct led to the crash. Sometimes, however, a car wreck and the injuries that follow aren’t the fault of those we share the road with. Sometimes, the cause of an accident is the road itself.

2019-02-28 00:00:00
How to Prove Fault in Distracted Driving Cases As in any car accident injury lawsuit, a person seeking compensation for injuries suffered in a distracted driving accident must prove that the defendant’s negligence caused the accident and injuries. This means proving to a judge or jury that the driver was, in fact, distracted or looking at something other than the road ahead of them at the time of the collision. Fortunately, distracted driving by its very nature often comes with ample evidence to establish fault.

2019-01-31 00:00:00
7 Common Delivery Issues That Lead to Birth Injuries An expectant mother and her child can experience complications at any point during a pregnancy, but it is during labor and delivery when the dangers – and the potential for catastrophic errors by physicians and nurses – are the greatest. Indeed, not everything that can go wrong in a delivery room is the result of medical malpractice. However, when the medical professionals we entrust with the health and life of a child and a mother fail to use the judgment, make the decisions, and provide the care necessary to prevent harm to the mother and child, it can constitute medical malpractice.

2018-12-31 00:00:00
Misdiagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease For those who have Alzheimer’s disease and the families who love them, the toll the illness takes on memory, cognitive functioning, and day-to-day life can be devastating, and only gets more difficult as the disease progresses. While there is no cure, early diagnosis and intervention can facilitate treatments and medication regimes that can slow the disease’s progress and improve quality of life.

2018-11-30 00:00:00
Paralysis and Medical Malpractice Imagine you could no longer walk. Picture not being able to play with your kids or give them a hug. Envision a future in which you couldn’t make a living or provide for your family. Think about not being able to care for yourself or perform the most basic tasks. All of these things – plus a lifetime of costly medical treatment, rehabilitation, and other care needs – are the reality for the millions of Americans living with paralysis caused by a spinal cord injury.  

2018-10-31 00:00:00
Alley, Clark & Greiwe partners included in 2019 Best Lawyers List 2018-08-15 08:11:12 FDA announces voluntary recall of heart medicines containing valsartan Three U.S. drug manufacturers have agreed to voluntarily recall various drugs containing the active ingredient valsartan over fears that some of the medicines could be tainted with a known human carcinogen.

2018-07-13 14:16:43
Alley, Clark & Greiwe named in Best Law Firms 2018 by U.S. News and Best Lawyers® On November 1, 2017, U.S. News and Best Lawyers® announced the 2018 “Best Law Firms” rankings and we are very pleased to be included for another consecutive year.  Alley, Clark & Greiwe received four "Tier 1" rankings in the Tampa Metro Area in the fields of Plaintiffs Medical Malpractice Law, Personal Injury Litigation, Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions, and Product Liability Litigation. 

2017-11-01 08:17:13
Three Alley, Clark & Greiwe attorneys named to 2018 Best Lawyers® list 2017-08-15 09:14:39 Drugs Approved in the Past Decade are Showing New Side Effects For many, taking a drug approved by the FDA brings feelings of safety and relief. After all, as patients, we assume that if a drug is on the market, it has been tested to the fullest extent and will not cause any unexpected side effects not listed on the label. No one wants to remain ill, so it is a comfort to take medicine with the intention of feeling better.

2017-05-31 00:00:00
Young Millenials are the Most Dangerous Drivers on the Road 2017-04-21 00:00:00 Florida Motorcyclists Take Note: Our Roads are the Most Dangerous A new report from the NHTSA indicates that Florida is the most dangerous place for motorcyclists in the entire country.  The five most dangerous counties in Florida for motorcyclists includes Hillsborough, Pinellas, Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade.

2017-03-29 00:00:00
Defective Stöckert Heater-Cooler Devices Could Put Patients At Risk It is estimated that more than 250,000 heart bypass procedures are performed in the U.S. each year using heater-cooler devices.  Unfortunately, the CDC and FDA have both issued important Health Alerts to patients, physicians, and hospitals regarding the potential risk of developing serious infection from certain heater-cooler devices commonly used during cardiac surgery.

2017-02-24 00:00:00
You Can Help Prevent Your Teens From Drinking and Driving Don’t drink and drive. This is a warning we hear all of the time. Whether on billboards, advertisements, or the Internet, it seems like this is a mantra everyone can agree with. While many experienced drivers may feel that this is an old phrase they don’t need to hear again, the truth is that everyone could use a reminder. One group that is especially in need of a reminder about the responsibility that comes with driving are teenagers.

2017-01-31 00:00:00
Pedestrians in Florida Run a Higher Risk of Personal Injury Than Pedestrians Elsewhere Walking should not be a life-threatening activity. For many, walking is an easy way to get from one place to another. For some, it’s the only way for them to get where they need to go due to the expenses involved in other forms of transportation or a lack of reliable public transportation in their area. As a result, it’s common to see pedestrians in cities going about their days like everyone else.

2017-01-25 00:00:00
Could Hernia Mesh Pose Greater Risks in the Long-Term? A recent report on hernia mesh reveals more concerns on long-term safety with certain types of synthetic mesh products.

2016-12-30 00:00:00
Johnson &Johnson Slammed With $1B verdict in All-Metal Hip Case For most people, the prospect of undergoing any type of joint replacement surgery can be scary.  Having a competent surgeon is extremely important for a successful surgical outcome, but equally as important is that the artificial joint replacement device being implanted is safe, effective, and reliable.

2016-12-23 00:00:00
Taking Medication? Follow These Steps To Stay Safe Every day, many adults take over-the-counter supplements and prescription medications.  There are many easy safety tips to follow to keep yourself safe. 

2016-11-30 00:00:00
E-Cigarettes: Are They Safe? It is common knowledge that cigarette smoking causes cancer and is the most preventable type of death.   Are e-cigarettes a safer alternative?  The answer depends on whom you ask and is the subject of growing safety concerns.

2016-11-18 00:00:00
Alley, Clark & Greiwe named in Best Law Firms 2017 by U.S. News and World Report - Best Lawyers® Alley, Clark & Greiwe has been named in the 2017 “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News – Best Lawyers®. The firm received three Tier 1 rankings in the Tampa Metro Area in the fields of Plaintiffs Medical Malpractice Law, Personal Injury Litigation, and Product Liability Litigation.  

2016-11-01 08:02:51
St. Jude Defibrillators May Malfunction Defibrillators are incredibly important for patients with heart abnormalities. Whether a patient is experiencing slow heart rhythms or dangerously fast ones, these devices can literally be the difference between life and death. St. Jude Medical is now warning patients of an important safety issue for certain defective defibrillators made before May of 2015.

2016-10-31 00:00:00
Problems With the Stryker V40 Femoral Head Higher than normal problems with Stryker LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 Femoral Head components are concerning for U.S. patients.

2016-10-28 20:30:35
Emergency Information: How to Store It and Share It When Tragedy Strikes None of us ever wants to be in a situation where medical responders need to contact our family members to alert them of an injury. However, life can be incredibly unexpected. And, unfortunately, serious injury can occur when you least expect it. So it’s important to make sure that first responders have access to the necessary information to keep you safe and your family informed. But how to do it?

2016-09-30 17:59:03
New Hospital Star Ratings Raise Concerns Over the State of Healthcare Star ratings are a common system for ranking everything from restaurants to car repair shops. In this day and age, it seems that everyone has an opinion that can be boiled down from 1-5, and everyone wants to let you know what they think.

2016-09-16 19:59:20
Florida Drivers, It’s Time for a Wakeup Call We’ve probably all heard the old adage that New Jersey drivers are the worst. There’s something about the Garden State that makes people forget to use their turn signals and drive perilously close to your car if you’re going too slow…or, so we’ve been told.

2016-08-30 19:20:28
FDA Prevents Sale of E-Cigarettes to Minors and Increases Distribution and Marketing Rules For many, the topic of e-cigarettes is a tricky one. Are they as harmful as traditional cigarettes? Should laws governing them be the same? And are people turning to them as gateway drugs or as a means to wean themselves from another form of nicotine? These are just a few of the questions that come to mind when we bring up the topic.

2016-08-25 17:43:44
Three Partners from Alley, Clark & Greiwe Selected for 2017 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© Three lawyers from the Tampa-based law firm of Alley, Clark & Greiwe were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2017.

2016-08-15 07:39:59
Risks of Nexium/Prilosec Heartburn is a common ailment in our society. Caused by acid refluxing into the esophagus, this condition is unpleasant at best and downright painful at worst. That said, it is often a relief to know that we can purchase a variety of over-the-counter acid reflux medications at the nearest pharmacy, almost any time of the day or night. Most of us see acid reflux medicines, also known as Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), as a solution since these products reduce gastric production, which alleviates the pain of heartburn.

2016-07-28 17:13:48
Delay in Generics Labeling Ruling Leaves Patients at Risk When taking any prescription drug, patients must be aware of the risks and/or potential contraindications.  Consumers tend to operate under the assumption that prescription drugs are safe if approved by the FDA, but there are risks and side effects with each and every prescription drug.  Some prescription drugs have very serious or even fatal consequences to consumers.

2016-07-26 13:02:36
Florida Motorcycle Deaths: Increase in Deaths Since Repeal of Helmet Law When operating heavy machinery, it’s often recommended that users wear some form of protective gear. Whether that’s safety goggles, gloves, or hard hats these types of items are recommended to ensure the user is as safe as possible.

2016-06-27 15:16:25
NHTSA Warns Against Aggressive Driving When you get behind the wheel, there are a million things that may influence your experience on the road. Exhaustion and distraction are two major issues for motorists. But another problem is the possibility of aggressive driving.

2016-06-20 21:41:32
Testosterone Lawsuits Large drug manufacturers including Pfizer, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott Laboratories, and many others are defending claims made by thousands of men in the U.S. over serious injuries linked to many popular testosterone replacement therapy products.  

2016-05-26 22:03:01
DePuy/Johnson & Johnson Hit with $497.6 Million Jury Verdict in Second Pinnacle Hip Implant Trial Five plaintiffs who suffered severe injuries from their DePuy Pinnacle metal hip replacement devices won a huge jury trial last month in Texas federal court against DePuy Orthopedics (a division of Johnson & Johnson).   This was the second case to go to trial in the U.S. involving the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant device system. 

2016-04-25 16:02:08
Reporting Nursing Home Abuse Elderly adults are vulnerable and those who reside in nursing homes and assisted living facilities are especially at risk of abuse and neglect. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than two million elderly adults are abused in America each year.

2016-03-28 15:32:17
Patients File Lawsuits After IVC Filters Cause Injuries Inferior vena cava (IVC) filters are implanted in patients who have a history of or are at risk of developing blood clots.  Certain IVC filters have been linked to serious complications in some patients.

2016-03-21 13:45:31
Transvaginal Mesh Products Are High-Risk Devices According to the FDA At last, the FDA has finalized its proposals from April of 2014 to reclassify certain transvaginal mesh implant devices from Class II medical devices to Class III devices.  Class III medical products are “high risk” devices that require pre-market approval.  This is a process that requires manufacturers to provide the FDA with clinical data to demonstrate safety and efficacy of a product before it can be sold.    The reclassification only applies to transvaginal mesh used to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and does not include transvaginal mesh sling products implanted for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. 

2016-02-08 10:16:28
Radiology Errors Affect Thousands Every Year Radiology is a discipline that involves the use of various imaging techniques to diagnose and treat disease. Radiology techniques include X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, PET scans and MRIs. Radiology errors hurt or kill thousands of people every year and the resulting harm can be difficult to trace back to the error itself. In such cases, the assistance of an experienced Tampa medical malpractice lawyer can be invaluable.

2016-01-15 08:03:21
Misdiagnosed Strokes Can Turn a Problem into a Disaster Strokes occur over 700,000 times a year in the United States, according to the University of Maryland. Doctors misdiagnose strokes more often than most people realize, especially if the patient is young or middle-aged. Since a stroke causes the progressive destruction of brain cells, any delay in treatment can be catastrophic.

2015-12-14 11:30:24
Distracted Driving Deaths on the Rise The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has reported that distracted driving causes thousands of deaths per year. Moreover, the recent increase in distracted driving has been identified as the major cause of the overall increase in traffic deaths in 2015. Florida’s wrongful death law provides a framework for the financial relief of grieving relatives of victims of distracted driving accidents.

2015-11-23 12:40:51
Trucking Accidents: Drowsy Drivers Endanger Public Safety The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that tens of thousands of trucking accident deaths and injuries occur annually in the United States. A significant portion of these casualties are caused by drowsy truck drivers working overtime to satisfy their employers or maximize their profits. When a drowsy truck driver negligently causes an accident, Florida personal injury and wrongful death laws provide the basis for compensating victims.  

2015-11-09 09:42:04
For 6th Consecutive Year, Firm Recognized for Legal Excellence by U.S. News and Best Lawyers 2015-11-02 07:19:41 Wrong-Site Surgery Occurs 40 Times a Week in the U.S. Wrong-site surgery is one of the most outrageous and frightening forms of medical malpractice. A doctor might remove the wrong kidney, for example, or even operate on the wrong side of the patient’s brain. According to Anesthesiology News, wrong-site surgery occurs up to 40 times a week in the United States. Reported incidents have increased rapidly in recent years. That being the case, Tampa medical malpractice lawyers are a necessity, not a luxury, whenever this happens.

2015-10-26 09:00:48
Misdiagnosed Heart Attacks Kill or Injure Thousands Every Year No one knows exactly how many people die from misdiagnosed heart attacks every year.  Misdiagnosed heart attacks are distressingly common, especially among female patients.  Women having a heart attack are more likely to be misdiagnosed because they often don’t experience the classic symptom of severe chest pain according to a 2014 study.

2015-10-12 13:25:20
Over 50 Medical Devices Recalled in 2014 Alone A medical device failure can leave individuals facing major surgeries or even death. A Tampa defective medical device attorney at our firm has seen families deal with the devastating consequences of unsafe and defective medical devices. While patients cannot always escape injuries, they should educate themselves when possible to better understand the risks.

2015-09-14 09:05:46
Florida Medical Malpractice Law Requires Extensive Presuit Investigation In an effort to reduce the number of frivolous medical negligence claims filed in the state, the Florida legislature placed a number of roadblocks that can prevent or delay the filing of medical malpractice lawsuits. Our Tampa medical malpractice lawyers believe that one of the most significant barriers involves extensive presuit requirements, which can add months of delays for individuals who have suffered harm due to medical negligence.

2015-08-31 10:41:51
Tampa Car Accident Lawyer Warns: Water is as Dangerous as Ice on Florida Roadways Drivers throughout most of Florida are fortunate; they seldom need to deal with freezing conditions on local roadways. Still, water does not need to be frozen to be dangerous. In addition to dangerous encounters with potholes hidden by water, just a thin layer of water can cause cars to hydroplane, creating ice-like conditions. Local drivers need to know how to help avoid these incidents and the special legal issues connected with hydroplaning accidents.

2015-08-26 14:15:07
James D. Clark honored as 2016 “Lawyer of the Year” in Plaintiff’s Product Liability Litigation in Tampa Alley, Clark & Greiwe Partner James D. Clark has been named "Lawyer of the Year" in Plaintiff’s Product Liability Litigation for 2016 in Tampa by Best Lawyers®. Mr. Clark was previously recognized by Best Lawyers® as “Lawyer of the Year” in Plaintiff’s Medical Malpractice Law in the year 2011.

2015-08-17 07:25:50
Three Partners from Alley, Clark & Greiwe Selected for 2016 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© Three lawyers from the Tampa-based law firm of Alley, Clark & Greiwe were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2016.

2015-08-17 07:20:32
FDA Warns Against Use of Common Surgical Device Used to Treat Uterine Fibroids The FDA has issued an Updated Safety Communication warning against the use of surgical devices called power morcellators commonly used to treat uterine fibroids.

2014-11-26 06:21:15
Important Deadlines in New Stryker Hip Settlement Deadline to register for the new Stryker Settlement Program is December 14, 2014.  Please contact Alley, Clark & Greiwe if you would like more information about the Stryker hip recall.

2014-11-13 08:57:26
For 5th Consecutive Year, Firm Recognized for Legal Excellence by U.S. News and Best Lawyers The law firm of Alley, Clark & Greiwe has been given a Tier 1 ranking in the 2015 "Best Law Firms" list by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers in the areas of Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Litigation.

2014-11-03 06:42:31
Alley, Clark & Greiwe Partners Included in Three partners of Alley, Clark & Greiwe have been included in The Best Lawyers in America 2015 for another consecutive year.

2014-08-19 06:38:36
Firm Recognized for Legal Excellence by U.S. News and Best Lawyers For the fourth consecutive year, the law firm of Alley, Clark & Greiwe has been listed in the 2014 "Best Law Firms" ranking by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers

2013-11-01 06:19:49
Three Partners of Alley, Clark & Greiwe included in “Best Lawyers in America 2014” For another consecutive year, three partners of Alley, Clark & Greiwe have been included in The Best Lawyers in America 2014 by Best Lawyers.

2013-08-15 08:05:43
J&J to Stop Sales of Metal-on-Metal Hips On May 16, 2013, Johnson & Johnson announced it would stop selling metal-on-metal hip replacement implants.  “The decision to discontinue these products is not related to safety or efficacy, and is not a recall,” according to a company spokesperson for Johnson & Johnson’s subsidiary DePuy Orthopedics, Inc.

2013-05-17 11:59:00
Alley, Clark & Greiwe included in 2013 On November 1, 2012, U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers® released the 2013 “Best Law Firms” rankings.  We are very proud to report that for the third straight year, the law firm of Alley, Clark & Greiwe has been honored with a First-Tier ranking in the Tampa Metropolitan area in both medical malpractice and personal injury litigation.

2012-11-01 06:39:07
GlaxoSmithKline to Disclose Safety Data In a tactic admission that it has misrepresented drug trial data in the past, GlaxoSmithKline announced this week it was going to open up portions of its research to the public, which is a first for a major drug company.    Researchers responded to the news with both skepticism and enthusiam.

2012-10-12 07:37:22
Don Greiwe honored as Lawyer of the Year for 2013 Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession, has named Alley, Clark & Greiwe partner Don Greiwe "Lawyer of the Year" for 2013 in Plaintiff’s Medical Malpractice Law in Tampa.  After more than a quarter of a century in publication, Best Lawyers is designating Lawyers of the Year in high-profile legal specialties in large legal communities. Only a single lawyer in each specialty in each community is being honored as the Lawyer of the Year.

2012-09-11 11:10:21
Johnson & Johnson’s Orthopedic Implant Woes Continue Johnson & Johnson subsidiary DePuy Orthopaedics Inc. has recalled over 8,000 medical device units in response to the FDA finding that it sold the devices without the required approvals. The recall was disclosed on August 16, 2012, and is in response to a December letter where the FDA accused DePuy of marketing 14 various knee, hip, and ankle devices without proper approval.  DePuy tried to exercise a loophole saying the devices were customized to the needs of individual patients, but the FDA disagreed.  Despite receiving the warning in December, it took DePuy over 8 months to comply with the FDA request. 

2012-09-05 12:37:32
Red Flags Raised over St. Jude Heart Devices Over the last few weeks, two extremely negative news reports were made regarding defibrillator leads manufactured by St. Jude Medical.  Leads are used to transmit electricity to the heart from a defibrillator which delivers a shock if it detects problems with a patient’s cardiac rhythm.  Last week, the FDA ordered St. Jude Medical to do more research on the safety of both its older Riata generation of leads as well as the new generation of Durata leads.  The FDA also made the rare move of recommending patients who had received the Riata leads to go undergo additional testing to determine whether the device will fail. 

2012-09-05 12:01:38
Three Partners of Alley, Clark & Greiwe included in “2013 Best Lawyers in America” Three lawyers from the Tampa-based personal injury law firm of Alley, Clark & Greiwe were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America® 2013 (Copyright 2010 by Woodward/White, Inc., of Aiken, S.C.). Tampa Personal Injury Attorney C. Todd Alley was selected in the fields of Mass Tort Litigation and Personal Injury Litigation. Tampa Medical Malpractice Attorney James D. Clark was selected in the fields of Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Litigation. Tampa Medical Malpractice Attorney Don Greiwe was selected in the field of Medical Malpractice law.

2012-08-22 11:40:22
FDA Advisory Panel: More Warnings Needed for Metal-On-Metal Hip Implants In late June 2012, a FDA Advisory Panel (consisting of orthopedic surgeons, medical experts, industry representatives, and patient advocates) convened a two day hearing to publically discuss safety data on metal-on-metal hip implants.

2012-07-10 16:07:03
Pradaxa Leads Country in FDA Safety Reports According to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices’ QuarterWatch, the FDA received more safety reports about Pradaxa (dabigatran) than any other drug in the year 2011.

2012-06-25 16:05:11
Canada Issues Safety Advisory on Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants In May of 2012, Health Canada issued a safety advisory warning to Canadian orthopedic surgeons regarding metal-on-metal hip implants.   The purpose of the advisory was to boost awareness in that country about significant health problems being reported in patients with metal-on-metal hip implants.  

2012-06-25 16:03:06
J&J Stops Selling Four Brands of Vaginal Mesh Implants Ethicon Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, has decided to cease marketing and producing four types of vaginal mesh implants.

2012-06-13 00:00:00
Report Warns that Popular Osteoporosis Drugs have Dangerous Side Affects The U.S. Food and Drug Administration have released a report raising new concerns about the serious side effects caused by a class of osteoporosis drugs called Bisphosphonates. 

2012-06-01 09:43:00
FDA Proposal Puts Patients at Risk by Eliminating Physician Oversight A new FDA proposal to change the classification of several prescription medications to over-the-counter (OTC) status seems to put pharmaceutical companies’ profits before patient safety.

2012-05-29 00:00:00
Legislation Introduced to Challenge Pliva v. Mensing Ruling on Generic Drugs The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June of 2011 in the case of Pliva v. Mensing had devastating consequences for a vast number of consumers injured by generic drugs.

2012-05-18 00:00:00
J&J Vaginal Mesh Product Sold for 3 Years Without U.S. Approval On March 21, 2012, Bloomberg reported the news that Johnson & Johnson's Ethicon unit sold a particular vaginal mesh product called Gynecare Prolift for three years before obtaining proper FDA approval in 2008.

2012-04-12 00:00:00
Importance of Uninsured Motorist Coverage Many people do not realize the importance of uninsured motorist (UM) coverage. UM coverage provides insurance to you for damages caused by a driver who has little or no auto insurance of their own.

2011-07-02 10:21:48
Understaffing Endangering Lives In a recent report, the Department of Health and Human Services concluded that most nursing homes are understaffed to the point of endangering their residents.

2011-07-02 10:20:38
State Suing Drug Companies for Fraud This month, Iowa became the latest state to sue 78 major drug companies for fraud and recover millions of dollars that was lost through a “grotesque abuse of the Medicaid reimbursement system,” according to Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller.

2011-07-02 10:19:44
Off–Label Use of Drugs–label-use-of-drugs/ Many physicians are prescribing drugs for "off-label" uses - for conditions and symptoms other than the drug was designed to treat.

2011-07-02 10:17:25–label-use-of-drugs/
Merck Sued by State of New York over Vioxx Last month, the state and city of New York sued Merck & Co., Inc., the maker of the blockbuster drug Vioxx, for tens of millions of dollars paid by Medicaid and similar state programs for Vioxx prescriptions.

2011-07-02 10:15:55
GE Facing Litigation Over MRI Drug Omniscan Litigation is mounting against General Electric Co. over Omniscan, an allegedly toxic injectable contrast agent used in MRI. Omniscan, or gadodiamide, is widely popular injectable used in patients about to undergo MRIs or arteriorgraphy in order to make it easier for physicians to see lesions with abnormal blood flow.

2011-07-02 10:12:19
FDA Plans to Accelerate Generic Drug Review The FDA has revealed a new program designed to speed up the approval process of generic drugs. The new drug review program called Generic Initiative for Value and Efficacy (GIVE) aims to significantly increase the number of generic drugs approved each year.

2011-07-02 10:09:41
FDA Appoints Members of Risk Communication Panel The FDA has created a new 15-member advisory panel to advise the agency about the best methods to educate consumers about the risks and benefits about the products it regulates.

2011-07-02 10:08:47
Clinical Trial Participants get little FDA protection Millions of patients enroll in clinical trials every year for experimental drugs and medical devices, but a federal investigation conducted by Inspector General Daniel R. Levinson of the Department of Health and Human Services has revealed that patients are rarely watched over or receive little or no FDA protection.

2011-07-02 10:04:33
Advisory Panel Says FDA Needs Recall Power The FDA oversees the regulation of medical devices and more than $1 trillion annually worth of food, drugs, dog food, cosmetics, and other products.

2011-07-02 09:55:59
Avandia Scandal Continues to Unfold Avandia is a prescription drug marketed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Released to the U.S. market in 1999, Avandia has been used by millions of Americans to treat Type II diabetes.

2010-02-25 00:00:00
Long-Term Hospitals Offer Lackluster Care, Huge Profits,-huge-profits/ In traditional hospitals, patients have an attending physician or doctors on staff to treat them in the event that their condition worsens. Unfortunately, Medicare loopholes have created an industry of so-called "long-term hospitals" where extended-stay patients are transferred to from traditional hospitals.

2010-02-24 00:00:00,-huge-profits/
More Woes for Medtronic and FDA as ICD Leads Continue to Fail For patients with a high risk of cardiac-related death, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are usually a demonstrably favorable alternative to medication.

2010-01-20 00:00:00
Questionable Evidence Used in FDA Approval of Cardiovascular Devices Dr. Rita Redberg and her colleagues at the UCSF Medical Center have published a startling report regarding the FDA’s approval of cardiovascular drugs. According to the report, from 2000-2007 the FDA approved 78 cardiovascular devices with relatively little evidence.

2010-01-06 00:00:00
FDA Begins to Update Post-Market Procedures, Though Still Lacking,-though-still-lacking/ The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has compiled a report looking at the steps the FDA has been taking to improve communication between the internal offices of the FDA, in an effort to protect the public from dangerous drugs released on the U.S. market.

2010-01-04 00:00:00,-though-still-lacking/
The FDA Must Improve Communication to Patients The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act allocated $1.1 billion dollars to coordinate research and guide investments in comparative research funded by the Act.

2009-11-02 00:00:00
Pfizer Pleads Guilty to Criminally Illegal Marketing Earlier this month, drug giant Pfizer agreed to pay a $2.3 billion penalty to settle claims over payment of kickbacks and illegal drug marketing and promotion that violated federal drug laws over an extensive period of time.

2009-10-09 00:00:00
FDA’s Oversight of Post-Marketing Studies Inadequate’s-oversight-of-post-marketing-studies-inadequate/ The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released a new report about the FDA’s lack of post-marketing oversight in a number of the drugs which it conditionally approved.

2009-10-01 00:00:00’s-oversight-of-post-marketing-studies-inadequate/
Troubling Ghostwriting Survey Prompts New Medical Journal Policies A survey released by The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) concludes that six of the top medical journals in the U.S. published a “significant number” of ghostwritten articles in recent years, reports the NY Times.

2009-09-21 00:00:00
New Bill Proposes to End Foreign Manufacturer Tort Liability Loopholes Each year, many people in the United States are injured by defective foreign products imported into the United States.

2009-08-17 00:00:00
Published Medical Journal Articles Concerning HRT Revealed to Be “Ghostwritten”“ghostwritten”/ Recently disclosed court documents reveal that Wyeth, the pharmaceutical giant behind hormone replacement medications  Premarin and Prempro,has played a “major role” in 26 scientific articles published backing the medications.

2009-08-05 00:00:00“ghostwritten”/