News & Resources
Trucking Accidents: Drowsy Drivers Endanger Public Safety
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that tens of thousands of trucking accident deaths and injuries occur annually in the United States. A significant portion of these casualties are caused by drowsy truck drivers working overtime to satisfy their employers or maximize their profits. When a drowsy truck driver negligently causes an accident, Florida personal injury and wrongful death laws provide the basis for compensating victims.
Wrong-Site Surgery Occurs 40 Times a Week in the U.S.
Wrong-site surgery is one of the most outrageous and frightening forms of medical malpractice. A doctor might remove the wrong kidney, for example, or even operate on the wrong side of the patient’s brain. According to Anesthesiology News, wrong-site surgery occurs up to 40 times a week in the United States. Reported incidents have increased rapidly in recent years. That being the case, Tampa medical malpractice lawyers are a necessity, not a luxury, whenever this happens.
Misdiagnosed Heart Attacks Kill or Injure Thousands Every Year
No one knows exactly how many people die from misdiagnosed heart attacks every year. Misdiagnosed heart attacks are distressingly common, especially among female patients. Women having a heart attack are more likely to be misdiagnosed because they often don’t experience the classic symptom of severe chest pain according to a 2014 study.
Over 50 Medical Devices Recalled in 2014 Alone
A medical device failure can leave individuals facing major surgeries or even death. A Tampa defective medical device attorney at our firm has seen families deal with the devastating consequences of unsafe and defective medical devices. While patients cannot always escape injuries, they should educate themselves when possible to better understand the risks.