News & Resources
Category: Car Accidents - Page 5
February 28, 2020
Seatbelts save lives. They also reduce the likelihood of catastrophic injury in a car accident and are required to be worn under Florida law. Conversely, not buckling up can put your life, health, and driving record at risk. And if you are injured in a car crash when driving or riding without your seatbelt on, you can also be risking your ability to recover compensation for your losses in a car accident lawsuit.
Not Wearing a Seatbelt Can Hurt Your Car Accident Injury Case
November 29, 2019
When you have been hurt in a car accident and seek compensation for your injuries and losses, you assume many roles, as undesirable or unexpected as they may be. You are a victim of someone else’s careless or reckless conduct. You are a plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit. And you are a witness. You saw how the accident happened and know the impact it has had on your health, your finances, and your family. As a witness, you will more likely than not have to appear for a deposition. But what is a deposition and what can you expect when that day comes?
What to Expect at a Car Accident Deposition
October 31, 2019
Will My Car Accident Lawsuit Go to Trial?
While meeting with a personal injury attorney and filing a car accident lawsuit are necessary steps towards obtaining compensation for injuries of losses you’ve suffered, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you and your lawyer will wind up in a courtroom months or years later arguing your case in front of a judge and jury at a trial.
July 31, 2019
Certain driving behaviors — such as drinking and driving, texting and driving, and speeding — are well-known to be dangerous, and most conscientious drivers go to great lengths to avoid engaging in them. But most drivers do not consider being tired to be a great threat to their driving abilities. After all, being tired is just part of modern life, and we still need to get where we’re going, right? In reality, drowsy driving poses a significant risk to those who engage in it and those around them, and it is a risk that often goes unnoticed.